I began a part time job at the end of last year. With that, comes all sorts of difficulties , mentally. There is the stress of being in a new environment, learning new things and trying to retain all the information. A new job can be a very stressful time. It generally takes at least 6 months to settle in and feel comfortable and loose your anxieties. This is not only for a new job, but also a life change of some sort. There are the same feelings and stresses that you go through. It is at this time that we are most prone to dipping back into our depression.
The reason we feel stressed is because we are facing fears that appear too large at that time. During this time you will probably feel over whelmed and go through confusion. The reason for this is that , your life has lost the balance that you had it at, and now you are trying to regain your balance with your change in it. The regaining of balance can be quite a tricky thing. The first step to helping yourself in this situation is to acknowledge how you are feeling- really how you are feeling !!
Once you've realized this, then you can begin to regain your balance. The ways to bring yourself together could be:
a) Meditation
b) walking in the fresh air.
c) planning all your evening meals for the week ( this removes the added stress of decisions !)
d)Taking some time out for yourself to do something that you love.
There are so many more things you could be doing to help, but I have found those the most helpful in getting you back on track.
I hope your week ahead is calm and stress free.
Take care