13 October 2010

The Evils of multi tasking !!

Multi tasking is something that everyone prides themselves in doing. Many people think that you are just not efficient unless you can multi task. Whilst I think there is an element of truth to this, there is also the danger of OVER multi tasking!! So, for instance, if you answer the phone and feed the cat whilst talking to your friend, that is not too bad; however; if you chat to your friend whilst typing an email and organizing your diary- well, you've gone too far! For a person suffering with depression, multi tasking is a real evil to be avoided!
Think about this, when you're depressed, your mind is often feeling very full, you feel over whelmed easily. Now, how can you possibly function if you're now trying to perform several duties at once?
Here's some useful advice I received from a friend: when you are needing to do something, like cooking, focus only on doing that. Don't cook and type on the computer. Just focus on cooking. When you are talking to a friend, focus on the friend. Don't answer the phone (unless you are expecting a call ), try to not be distracted by anyone else and see how much more of a connection is made.
I do get though, those of you with younger children are saying, how on earth can I focus on one thing at a time when I have to fix Buzz lightyear, sweep the floor and answer the phone? Well, children in general are not noted for being patient, but an important lesson for them to learn if they are able, is how to wait. When the phone rings, try to stop what you are doing and give it your attention. When your child wants you, when you are able, try to focus on what your child needs/wants. When you are doing something for yourself, like sewing or crafting, focus on only that.
This , if you're able to do it, will help you to relax and realize that you don't need to multi task, simply work through your day going from one task to another, still achieving but doing so in a sane way.
                        Give it a go, you will probably find a calmer, more focused you in the end!
                                                        Take care till next time.