17 November 2010

Over- Analyzing and depression.

Well, I hope you managed to get moving last week to keep depressive ways at bay! This week, we'll chat about thinking too much. You know, when you analyse everything, pick it apart, critisize yourself and simply won't let it rest? Well, it's time to stop that.
The reason we over - analyse , according to me, is that we are too concerned about what others think of us. We critisize what we've said, how it was said and why we said it. Instead, what we need to do is realize that if we've made a mistake, we need to just man up and say sorry, and learn to LET GO. I think this is probably one of the hardest things to do. You may be asking yourself, but what does this have to do with depression? Well, when you're going through depression, you don't always have the best perceptions about yourself and others. At this time, we can pick apart something that was said to us or that we think was said about us. This is so damaging.
Realize this, it's all in your head! I mean that in a nice way. You need to learn that if someone wants to say something derogatory about you, that's their problem, not yours. LET IT GO.
If you've said something bad to someone and wish you'd never said it, say sorry, and then LET IT GO.
How do you let it go?
It's all about forgiveness of yourself. I'll chat about that next time, but in the meantime, try to be kind to yourself, realize that we all analyse things incorrectly and we need to learn to just let things be. We are human after all.
I hope this week, you can live for the moment, move with the flow and LET IT GO .....
                               Take care, till next time.

10 November 2010

How to keep depression at bay when you're not feeling well......

There are times when you're not feeling well due to illness or pain. This can also serve to deepen your depression. The reason for this is that , when we're not feeling well or in pain, we are primarily so focused on ourselves and how we feel , that we become really self absorbed. When we are so self absorbed, that is when the depression deepens, as we only look at ourselves and into ourselves. So, in light of this, when you're of ill health and want to prevent your depression from taking hold, you will need to focus on a few things:
1. Stop and think about what you're grateful for. Be thankful that you can talk, walk,sing, hear, see, etc etc. Really focus on how wonderful it is to have these abilities. Immediately, you are expressing gratitude and thus taking yourself to a more positive place.
2. Turn your energies(what little you have!) to a hobby that you enjoy doing - gardening, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking, reading....... You may think you feel too sick to do it, but, try to do something towards it - even if it is planning what you'll do when you're better.
3. Focus on someone else. You may have a mother who loves a visit, or a gran. You may have a little person in your life who loves you and wants to spend time with you - focus on them for a bit and let yourself just love. By seeing the other person , really, you are taking away the intraspective part of yourself for a while and thus aiding in your wellness.
We all go through times when we feel ill or in pain. It's very consuming. You, however, have the power to decide what you will do with how you're feeling. Will you just succumb to feeling low and unwell, or will you decide to rest your body but entertain your mind to fight off the depression?
I know what I'd choose. How about you?
Take care over the week and choose wisely.

03 November 2010

Get Moving !- combat Depression by exercising

I know, the last thing you feel like doing is exercising! Do you know, that it is one of the few things that will definitely improve your state of mind naturally? It is a proven fact that when we exercise, our brain releases endorphins which give us an increased state of happiness. The main problem that we experience, is when we feel depressed, we lack the ambition to do anything- least of all exercise!
Here's a few tips that may help you to put your best feet forward and get moving:

1. Set yourself an achievable activity goal, like, to go for a walk twice in the week. If you own a diary and use it, make sure you diarize when you're going to go for a walk, and stick to it.
2. Do incidental walking. For example, park your car far away in the car park, so you have to walk a distance when you visit the shops. Another example, when faced with the lift or the stairs, take the stairs. At first, you'll feel tired or puffed, but the more often you do it, the better you'll get at it.
3. Invest in a pedometer. This is great if you want to clock up the steps walked and try to improve on it daily. The average person has the ability to take around 4000-5000 steps per day, so see how close you come and try to keep it up. Pretty soon, you'll be looking for excuses to get moving so you can make sure you've done all your steps!! It's a great motivator.

I hope your week is filled with exercise, and remember, start small and be disciplined about sticking to your routine. You'll be really glad once you notice a change in your mental attitude- it happens quite by accident!!
           Have a great week.