29 September 2010

Depression and Music- a great Antidote.

Music and Art really are food for the soul.
Let's look at Music for today. Too much silence, can be damaging for someone who is struggling with depression. When life is too silent, there is too much time to think or feel nothing. The silence can almost be a prisoner to you. They say, 'silence is deafening', and they would be right!!
This week, take the time to listen to some good music that really makes you feel alive. Try to avoid the kind of music that evokes too much emotion - like sadness, that will obviously be counter productive.
Create a playlist on your ipod or mp3 player that is specifically filled with upbeat music that makes you feel good.
A great suggestion is to pop your ipod earphones in your ears , pull on your walking shoes and head on out. If you're not too mobile, still, get outside and do some movements to the music- it makes you feel exhilarated and alive. Go ahead and try it, you'll be so glad you did!
                                       Till next time

22 September 2010

Recognizing the signs of Depression

Recognizing the signs of slipping into depression is the key for regaining your control. Notice these things:
You feel over whelmed
You feel like you have no control over what is happening.
A darkness is surrounding you
You wander around aimlessly, you have no focus.
There is an empty feeling in you.
You lack purpose in life.
These are just some of the feelings you may be feeling or have felt. Once you recognize that you are feeling this way, you can take steps to remedy the situation.
1. Begin by setting yourself a few tasks to do each day. This gives you a focus and a sense of accomplishment.
2. Make time to go for a walk, your perceptions change when you excercise.
3. Plan your week. Set out a few things to achieve each day. This will assist you in your sense of purpose.

                        I hope this helps you this week.

18 September 2010

Glide - Beat depression naturally.....

Hi Everyone,
My name is Debbie Webb and I've written a book about Depression called 'Glide'. The book deals with natural ways to help yourself to improve your state of mind. I suffered from depression for a period of 12 years and was determined not to take any medication. This is my story of how I worked through this and came out victorious on the other side!
 It is filled with ideas on what you can do to assist yourself to get better and take back the control of your life.
My goal with this blog, is to help anyone who might suffer from depression to find natural ways to help themselves. I will be posting information that I"ve gathered on depression as well as some inspirational , motivational words to assist you in life.
So, join me on my blog journey to free your mind and nuture your spirit.